Tuesday, February 6, 2018

My Journal Reflection
At the beginning of this project I had troubles following the first line of rules. They were kind of difficult for me because they forced me to develop my thoughts in a fast case scenario. The ones which were most difficult was when you are supposed to keep writing without stopping and forget about spelling, grammar and punctuation. The fact that I had to write continuously made this assignment more challenging because I didn’t have time to translate my idea and write it with the correct translation. I had all my thoughts clears but to express them in English coherently was the complicated thing. Another problem for me was the grammar, spelling and punctuation errors. It is assumed that I’m supposed to don’t mind spelling mistakes but in some occasions, I spent a few seconds thinking in the correct punctuation or correct spelling of some words or phrases. I definitely, need a broad vocabulary and memory, so time doesn’t limit the portrayal of my idea next time. Having an extended vocabulary and its translations surely could help me have a better development in this project. In spite of the difficulties and challenges, I did enjoy and felt attracted to writing. I never had felt attracted by journals or diaries, much less by free writing, but this project had change my mind.
Day by day, my writing got better in many aspects. At the beginning of the project I used to employ very informal and basics words but progressively I started to use more formal and elaborated words in order to depict my line of thought accurately. This improvement has a direct impact with the fluidity and the quantity of words in my journals. In many occasions when the ten minutes had finished, I went to the online dictionary to search for the correct words or translations that I must use. Even though the words I search probably will be forgotten, some words will be recorded in my mind and the forgotten ones, with more utilization, will be learned. After this project I can have a slightly faster translation at the time of a conversation or a writing. Now I can elaborate a better and complex notions, compared to the beginning, with more formality and even in a mature tone. Also, I made a good progress in my ink writing technique. I never write with ink, I hated it. I don’t like to write with ink because I can erase or correct a mistake. This project helped me to become warier when I am hand writing and to avoid spelling errors.
Beyond my writing improvement, I didn’t feel any other alteration in myself. I haven’t noticed any change in my life caused by this project. I always see it has a plain moment of my day in which I write all my thoughts and worries. It helps me to organize and vent out in some way but doesn’t have an important impact in my life. I mean that the ending of this project doesn’t make any radical change in my life. I don’t give to this work any sentimental direction. My life quality still being the same, nothing has changed. The ending of this project makes me kind of happy because it took me some of time. It was a burden for me since it was a preoccupation in my day, every day, I didn’t want to forget it. Some days I was very rushed and had to dedicate 10 minutes for free writing, which wasn’t to my liking.
As I said before the writing isn’t something that I usually enjoy, I am a terrible writer. This project made me feel a little bit attracted to the writing but isn’t enough to turn me into a good writer or to public some texts. Either way my writing technique increased in a nice way thanks to this project. If this project wasn’t a class subject I am 100% sure that I wouldn’t write anything, and I wouldn’t enrich my writing. I know that for some others is kind of sad that I have poor desire when it came to writing, but is just that I really don’t like it. This fact is evidenced in my laziness and low motivation at the time of redact something. I prefer the talking and the dialogue, it is a faster way and you can understand the correct tone and intention of the message. 
At the moment of any reflection done in the journal, the interdisciplinary goal is certainly achieved because many themes are exposed in a single journal, which required different fields of study. The fact that this was a free writing exercise invites a vast range of topics to a single text. In many journals I expressed my opinion about the actions and conducts of the human, including me.  In the journal I wrote in December 15, I talked about the high level of egocentrism that abound our society. I gave two examples, one of them it was related to the drivers. In many occasions when we are driving through the streets of Puerto Rico, especially in the rush hour when everybody was desperate to get home after the work, many drivers thought only for their own and forgot about the other drivers. This selfishness caused more traffic jams and in some occasions accidents or stagnation. In this journal we can applied the psychology, sociology, economy, urban design and some other field studies. This can be fixed if people apply good values and kindness with each other. It is a conduct that it is characterized of our society, when you go to another country these actions aren’t so common like in Puerto Rico. 
In conclusion, in spite of my bad opinion about my unlikeable experience, I have many lessons and insights from this project. Either way I didn’t like some rules and I didn’t notice any change or alteration in my daily, I improve my writing techniques and I discover a new way to express my thoughts freely.
This journal method can be very useful for people who feel or discover the freedom in the writing. At the moment, I had just recognized an upgrading in my vocabulary and writing skills. I haven’t notice any interior or sentimental change but for other ones this can be experienced. Something that I always think and enjoy was the creation of the exterior of my journal. Its look so awesome to me, many cool pictures were exposed in this exterior. After all it was an experience that I will never forget because it was something that I never had done. 
 Work cited
Pittmann, Cynthia. Class Assignment. Journal Reflection. UPRRP January 2018.


  1. I enjoyed your through-out explination of how your learning process went with this particular project, love your honesty.

  2. I fully identify with the fact of having to take out 10 minutes uninterruptedly to write was difficult many times but they were also 10 minutes that you would dedicated to yourself.
